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Not only in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+12Posted:2017-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: onlyonly tooif onlycommonlyonly thatonly childprotonduotoneMeaning: adv. not merely (used to introduce the first phrase of a correlative construction and usually followed by `but' or `but also'). 
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151. Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends. Woody Allen 
152. It is not only biology, but cosmology, physics and astronomy that presuppose a general evolutionary account of the cosmos.
153. Mallory's mythic status has been secured not only by his golden appearance, but also by his icy cenotaph.
154. Not only do the police fail to make arrests, sometimes they are the ones committing the crimes.
155. The police did not only employ the law of criminal procedure in their tactical battle against the striking miners.
156. The body not only burns up fat, but muscle and organs as well.
157. Through learning, children acquire not only their parents' moral code but also a willingness to act in accordance with the rules.
158. Not only have they been booked solid for months for convention week, but their meeting rooms are jammed with lavish receptions.
159. Electronically supported meetings not only solve pressing business problems but offer their own advantages.
160. Not only are aitches dropped, appalling vocals now reign virtually supreme in the realm of pronunciation.
161. The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so!
162. It is not only the breeding pair that occupies the territory around a nest.
163. When you see someone do what no one else is doing take notice. Something truly special is about to happen. Not only will they be lifted up, they will lift up those around them as well. That is called leadership. Tom Krause 
164. That summer at Aix was not only brief but troubled.
165. But it is not only Marxists who argue that bureaucracies may owe their primary allegiance to a particular class.
166. Adams soon realized that a simplification of the Evershed plan was not only necessary but also feasible.
167. The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. Samuel Butler 
168. I would face not only a tough physical challenge, but a mental one as well.
169. One of them actually had an artificial leg, and carried not only a loaded rifle but a cane.
170. This was a major provider of not only walking holidays but also package holidays and holiday camps.
171. Not only the air we breathe but the natural waterways of the world are endangered.
172. The Humphreys not only met their goals,( they went on to even higher levels of achievement in this business.
173. In 1959 Navarro Rubio had not only not immediately fallen under suspicion of disloyalty, but had actually made Franco back down.
174. He left mouths agape not only to the very end, but five days after he was gone.
175. The basic problem with budgetary reform is that it not only requires administrative reform, but also strong political support.
176. The judge already has decided to ban from the courtroom not only video cameras but print photographers working for newspapers and magazines.
177. The thing about Mr Healey's delightful book is not only the bloody poetry but the classical allusions.
178. The popular president not only made it acceptable for male politicians to sob; he made it practically mandatory.
179. In Britain the railways not only transported but considerably stimulated the making of bricks.
180. Hence, many public sector operating statements do not only show actuals but also budgets and comparisons of actuals with budgets.
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